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  • Writer's pictureJared Viljoen

Day 153 - A slow writing journey

(My workspace where we're staying in Raglan, New Zealand. Love this loft room. Perfect writing space, but sadly only here for another few days.)

It's been a while. By my calculation, it's day 153 since I began. I wish I could say that I've accomplished a lot since the last entry. But, that is not how the journey has progressed.

Since the last entry a few things have been going on that have interfered with the writing process:

  • We have been working hard on building our business and released our first product (check it out here - it's pretty awesome, if I do say so myself - see shameless promo image below too).

  • We had to unexpectedly move out of the home we were living in.

  • We sold all (well, nearly all... there are 2 or 3 boxes stored at my parents) of our worldly possessions, packed what we needed in our car, and are now on the road searching for our next home. We're nomads!

Needless to say, my brain has not been as focused on writing as it could have been.

But, I'm still here. Still pottering away. And in the past two weeks I've even been working on building my new book. I don't have a title yet but there'll be magic, and witches, and a guy to called Bastien. I'm hoping (🤞) that I'll have a draft done by the end of August. Because, why not?

I'm living a writer's dream, right? I'm on the road, seeing beautiful things in a pretty beautiful country, surrounded by inspiration at nearly every bend of the road.

It's almost like a long-term writer's retreat, albeit with the whole family in tow, but it's not too far off.

So, what this means is that I really should be able to get a lot more updates and things going on here.

Which is exciting! Till next time!



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