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  • Writer's pictureJared Viljoen

Day 6 - An idea forms for the novel


It looks like we are starting to develop a bit of an idea of a story now.

As mentioned previously, I'm probably going to set the novel in the area where I live: Gulf Harbour, New Zealand. It's a beautiful (like really beautiful... but I gush) place that has some interesting features that could make a great setting for a novel:

  • It is at the end of a peninsula surround by water (the Hauraki Gulf)

  • It has a marina where people have their boats docked right outside their apartments

  • It has some very wealthy and some not so wealthy families

  • It has multiple beaches

  • Some great cliff tops

  • A bird sanctuary / regional park with walking tracks and lookouts

  • A naval base where secret tsunami experiments were conducted after WWII (no joke)

  • There are extensive tunnels underneath the naval base

And all of that is in an area no more than 5 minutes drive from my house. So, how could I not set a novel here?

I think we are pushing the 'write what you know' principle even further by making the protagonist just an average guy like moi, a father with daughters, like moi. And what does a father of daughter's fear the most? Well, something crazy guy doing something to his daughters of course.

And there we are... the beginning of a big idea.

Let us know in the comments if you have any further ideas you think I could add.

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